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Practical advice on commercial lighting from LED retrofts to lighting design


How does Regency Supply promote a healthy work-life balance?

Posted by Caitlin Ferrell on



Whether you're a full-time lighting specialist or a part-time cashier, it's important to understand and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Achieving work-life balance can be difficult in today's unpredictable and fast-paced world. As businesses and workers alike grow more connected through technology, it's hard to separate work from our personal lives. And before we know it, the simple act of sending a few quick emails in the evening begins to infringe on family, friends, and recharge time.

 We'll be the first to admit that we don't always get this right. From travel schedules to hectic days to evening phone calls, we're learning how to balance the myriad of work demands, too. And to be candid, one of the things we love about our teams is the way they work so diligently to serve our customers. 

As a whole, our company makes a conscious effort to encourage our employees to lead with a strong work ethic in handling our responsibilities and then leave work at work and focus on life outside the office. So, we've launched a campaign with the hope that you'll take the time to do what lights up your life — and let it light up our life, too.

Work-life balance off-kilter?

If you’re like most employed Americans, you spend the majority of your waking hours — close to nine hours a day — working. According to this study by Gallup News, the typical work week for an employed adult in the U.S. is close to 47 hours. And 39% of workers indicate they work at least 50 hours per week.

While some seasons in our careers require us to roll up our sleeves and work long hours, it takes a strong commitment to prevent those seasons from becoming a lifestyle. 

Every organization — including ours — has these seasons of intense work, but we draw inspiration from the bar that our Founder and co-Chairman, Ron Regenstreif, has set. He defines success as “maximizing our opportunities without compromising our priorities.” In other words, the price in stress on personal relationships and lost personal time isn’t worth it. 

When we face a lack of balance impeding on time to relax, socialize, be with our families, and explore new hobbies or passion projects, Ron’s challenge serves as an important benchmark.

How we R.I.S.E. up to support you

Here at Regency Lighting, we strive to encourage a healthy work-life balance. Our R.I.S.E. values (Relationship, Integrity, Service, Expertise) guide our decisions and are the cornerstone of our success.

Relationship is truly the pillar of our company. We believe in respecting and encouraging our employees to have a relationship with one another — and with friends and family — outside of work. We are committed to growing together as a company, but we are equally committed to the individual growth of our employees and their families. 


What is "Light of my life"?

Research has found that the most satisfied employees are those who have strong professional relationships, opportunities to grow and engage in meaningful work, and have a life outside of the office. We’re hoping you will join us in celebrating our lives and relationships outside the workplace.

The light of your life could very well be an adventure with friends, a great meal, time in the outdoors, or your family's weekend of fall festivities — getting lost in the corn maze, spilling apple cider all over yourself, scream-laughing through a haunted house, and carving up the perfect pumpkin.

Our goal is simply to encourage you to pursue the people and activities that light up your life — and share it with us.


How do I participate?

As you capture moments with friends and family, post them on social media using the hashtag #lightofmylife and tag us @regencysupply.

Four times a year we’ll randomly select someone to win a $100 Visa gift card to invest back into those special moments. We want to provide our customers, employees, and anyone in between with the opportunity to truly enjoy life outside of the office.

So, what lights up your life?
