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Practical advice on commercial lighting from LED retrofts to lighting design

Cost-efficient lighting design during and after COVID-19

Posted by Jeremy Ames on


BLOG - Efficient lighting design

It goes without saying that we are in unprecedented times.

Can you think of another time when construction nearly came to a complete stop?

As projects start to pick up again, it's a great time to reassess your plans and prepare for the future. Ideas that might have worked pre-pandemic might not work anymore.

Whether you're just starting plans for a new construction project or you're looking to review a project already in progress, bringing in a lighting designer now can save you a lot of money later.

In this article, we explain three ways our lighting design team can help with cost-efficient options. (And by cost-efficient, we don't just mean installing LEDs. There are several ways you can save that will really add up.)

Planning for lighting efficiency in COVID-19

Whether your construction project is on-track or delayed, it's important to get details dialed in now so you have more flexibility later.

We understand budgets are tight and we don't want you to pay for lighting products you don't really need. If you plan correctly now, you can recover more effectively and become stronger than before.

Designing and re-designing spaces with more efficient products is a great way to reduce costs.

Here are three ways our lighting design team can help you design for your space and plan for more efficient options.

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1. Proactive budgeting

By working with a lighting designer, you can take out the guess work. Our team can provide financial feedback during the designing process and look at different ways to save money from the beginning so you aren't scrambling to meet budget at the end.

2. Procurement power

As a national lighting distributor, Regency Supply can leverage the best products from multiple manufacturers. You don't have to choose products only from a specific line.

3. Specified ordering

The process is simplified for you. There is no long chain of ordering. We know how the system works, which can prevent change orders and delays.

We also understand priorities for a space may shift after COVID-19. There are new standards to keep employees and customers healthy, like social distancing and proper disinfection. These changes can give lighting products a new meaning and value in a space.

How our lighting designers help with cost-efficiency

Overall, working with our team of lighting designers from the beginning of a new construction project will give you a better understanding of the materials available to you for the best price.

Regency's lighting design team can help close the communication loop on design, specification, and installation of lighting for your project.

They have an advanced understanding of the technology behind the products that meet your aesthetic requirement while also making sure they meet code.

Even if you already have a lighting plan in place, the Regency Supply team can look over those plans and find areas where you can save money to avoid the value engineering crunch.

It's important to get these details dialed in now so projects are ready to run when construction picks back up to full capacity.

Read more: What's the ROI of hiring a lighting designer? 

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