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Cleaner dilution rates for common applications

Posted by Scott Clark on


BLOG Cleaner Dilution Rate

Creating clean, safe environments is now the focus for many commercial buildings. As we learn more about cleaning products and how they work, it's also important to learn how to use them properly.

Learning how dilution rate impacts your cleaner can benefit your building in multiple ways and may even save you money.

What is a cleaner dilution rate?

A dilution rate or dilution ratio tells you how much cleaner to use for certain applications. Most commercial cleaners are concentrated and should be diluted (most of the time with water) before use.

Using a higher concentration than needed can cause safety problems and may also impact how well the cleaner works.

Diluting also allows you to "get more bang for your buck." Instead of using the full concentrated amount, you're able to make more spray bottles or solution so your cleaner lasts longer.

The dilution rate may differ depending on how and where you are using the cleaner.

Our top cleaner recommendations

To explain dilution rate for different applications, we are focusing on two products: Multi-Task Cleaner by Z BioScience and SIMIX Multi-Surface Cleaner.

Regency Choice Budget Option
product-multi-task SIMIX-4
No dwell time 1 minute dwell time
Multi-Task Cleaner by Z BioScience
Shop now

Watch our video
SIMIX Multi-Purpose Cleaner
Shop now
Watch our video

*Note: For the purpose of this article, we are calculating
cost per gallon using a case of cleaners instead of individual items

Both of these options are safe and effective cleaners with qualities that continue to clean the surface even after they're wiped off.

If you're curious why we chose these two cleaners, watch the results from our cleaning product test that we performed in a school:


Cleaner dilution rates for common applications

Using a cleaner correctly is the first steps towards a clean, safe environment. Most commercial cleaners need to be diluted before use. In some cases, dilution rates can save you money. You might not need to use as much cleaner as you think.

To easily and consistently dilute the product, we recommend having a Portable Dispensing Unit. This will help eliminate waste in the dilution process and also lead to cost savings.

Before you use any product, we recommend reading the safety data sheet and following all recommendations, like storage and PPE use.

We're breaking down the dilution rate for the following areas:

High-touch surfaces

High-touch surfaces can include everything from counters and desks to elevator buttons and door handles.

Dilute Multi-Task by Z BioScience to two ounces per gallon and SIMIX to half an ounce per gallon to thoroughly clean high-touch surfaces. Spray and wipe for best results.

Regency Choice Budget Option
product-multi-task SIMIX-4
Dilution: 2.0 oz per gal Dilution: 0.5 oz per gal
$0.73 per gal $0.37 per gal


Glass and mirrors

Multi-Task and SIMIX can both be used on glass and mirrors. Multi-Task by Z BioScience requires a slightly lower dilution rate than other applications. The recommendation is one ounce per gallon. If you notice streaks on mirrors, it's likely the dilution was too high.

SIMIX can be diluted to half an ounce per gallon for use on glass and mirrors.

Regency Choice Budget Option
product-multi-task SIMIX-4
Dilution: 1.0 oz per gal Dilution: 0.5 oz per gal
$0.37 per gal $0.37 per gal


For bathrooms, you can spray and wipe cleaners to use on surfaces, bathtubs, showers, and toilets. For bathroom floors, you can use a mop and bucket.

Dilute Multi-Task by Z BioScience to two ounces per gallon and SIMIX to half an ounce per gallon.

Regency Choice Budget Option
product-multi-task SIMIX-4
Dilution: 2.0 oz per gal Dilution: 0.5 oz per gal
$0.73 per gal $0.37 per gal

Kitchen surfaces

Spray and wipe the Multi-Task cleaner or SIMIX in kitchens to cut through grime and soil. Dilute Multi-Task to two ounces per gallon and SIMIX to half an ounce per gallon.

Regency Choice Budget Option
product-multi-task SIMIX-4
Dilution: 2.0 oz per gal Dilution: 0.5 per gal
$0.73 per gal $0.37 per gal


Multi-Task by Z BioScience can be used with a mop and bucket, auto scrubbers, and other carpet cleaning equipment to clean floors of all types. The standard dilution rate for flooring is two ounces per gallon. If you're looking for a specific, high-performing carpet cleaner, we recommend using the Z BioScience Encapsulator.

SIMIX can be used on floors with a mop and bucket at the dilution rate of 0.5 ounces per gallon.

Regency Choice Budget Option
product-multi-task SIMIX-4
2.0 oz per gallon 0.5 oz per gallon
Dilutes to $0.73 per gallon Dilutes to $0.37 per gallon

You can also use SIMIX on hard floors, which requires an even lower dilution rate. For auto scrubbers, dilute SIMIX to 0.1 ounces per gallon. The cost comes out to $0.10 per gallon.

Heavy soil cleaning

Multi-Task by Z BioScience is a great option for heavy soil cleaning, but it does require a heavier dilution rate than other applications. Dilute four ounces per gallon for the best results.

Dilution: 4.0 oz per gal
$1.45 per gal

Grease traps and pipes

Because SIMIX is a degreaser, it's a great option to use on grease traps and pipes. Flush the solution for best results. The cost breaks down to $0.37 per gallon.

Dilution: 0.5 oz per gal
$0.37 per gal

HVAC coils and system

SIMIX is also a great option for HVAC coils and equipment. Use a pump sprayer and dilute to four ounces per gallon. It will cost about $2.95 per gallon.

Dilution: 4.0 oz per gal
$2.95 per gal

To summarize, here is a chart with the dilution rate for each cleaner by application:


Application Multi-Task by Z BioScience SIMIX Multi-Surface Cleaner
High-touch surfaces 2.0 oz per gallon 0.5 oz per gallon
Glass and mirrors 1.0 oz per gallon 0.5 oz per gallon
Bathrooms 2.0 oz per gallon 0.5 oz per gallon
Kitchen surfaces 2.0 oz per gallon 0.5 oz per gallon
Flooring 2.0 oz per gallon 0.5 oz per gallon
Heavy soil cleaning 4.0 oz per gallon  
Grease traps and pipes   0.5 oz per gallon
HVAC coils and system   4.0 oz per gallon

Steps to creating a clean environment

Creating a completely clean environment involves a multi-step process. There are more steps involved than just cleaning.

1. Clean

First, use the cleaners recommended in this post at the correct dilution rate. The key is to agitate the surface to get rid of any biofilm.

Here are a few more resources for proper cleaning:

2. Disinfect

Disinfection should follow cleaning, but for many facilities disinfection is only recommended occasionally, not every day.

Here are a few more resources for disinfecting:

3. Protect

Protecting surfaces helps keep them clean in between cleanings. Surface protectants can be used in a fogger and cover large areas, including surfaces that may not be cleaned daily.

Here are our recommendations for tools to use:

product-enviro-mist-1 xPower-F-18B-A
Enviro Mist by Z BioScience
Shop product
XPower Fogger
Shop product

4. Air disinfection

Surfaces are only one part of the equation when you're creating a clean environment. As we learned during the COVID-19 pandemic, indoor air quality is just as important.

Here are more resources to consider for air disinfection:

Our team of experts is ready to help you create a clean, safe environment for your customers, tenants, and employees. Contact us to get started today.

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